About the
Hello, I am a Feminist
International Relations Undergraduate with a keen interest in Gender
in international politics looking to pursue a career in this field. I
started this blog because I am often frustrated when reading the
mainstream media and academic publications with how little gendered analysis of
events feature. Given the gendered hierarchy in society, happenings in the
world always effect women and men differently and often disproportionately.
With these posts I am going to attempt to look at current affairs through
a relational gendered looking glass.
I believe it is
extremely important to bridge the gap between the
often inaccessible/unapproachable academic work and mainstreamed political
thought therefore I will try to do this in my writing. I also recognise my
feminist bias and privilege as a British, white,
western, academic woman but I will always try to maintain a few central
principles in my writing:
- Gender equality is a basic
right yet despite popular ideas patriarchy* is alive and well in the
- Gender is not natural: it is a
social expectation attached to the shape of our bodies.
- Gender is always relational:
assumptions about women and femininity always have consequences for men
and masculinity and vice versa.
- Intersectionality is so
- Mainstream media/academic
publications rarely analyse events from a gendered perspective meaning
that the do not tell the whole story.
I would like to
acknowledge so many authors and journalists for the inspirations to start this
blog and I will always try to acknowledge them as I go but please see my
sources page for further information. I welcome constructive criticism
and different ideas. Please share my posts if you find them interesting and
follow the twitter account @GendertheNews for regular updates.
*People are often
fearful of using/reading the word patriarchy. It simply refers to the
hierarchical gender bias towards masculinity and dominance of men in popular society.
It is important we claim the word back from misandry!
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