Thursday, 3 March 2016

On Voting for Clinton 'just because she's a woman'

So after Super Tuesday, the likelihood of Hillary Clinton getting the democratic nomination is pretty much conclusive. Its time to believe in the possibility of a women running the United States of America. This is a prospect that makes me extremely excited and yes, if I was American, I would be voting for Hillary Clinton 'just because she's a woman.' As much as I admire Sanders' politics and campaign and am happy he has succeeded in pushing Clinton to the left. And as much as I have my qualms with Clinton's funding and the US presidency starting to sound like a monarchy (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Barack, Clinton sounds a little too authoritarian for my liking) the more I see of her in the media the more I realise just how amazing it would be to have a women as the leader of one of the world's most influential states. For me, its a form of affirmative action on a meta-scale. Obviously, Hillary's feminist policies would be amazing and hopefully make congress more gender-equal but beyond this, a women as president is a symbol for equality and progress for women the world over. 

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